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water dripping from above with frustrated couple

It was Thanksgiving 1969 when I did a small bit of drywall work in my bathroom. The room had recently been painted so there was no need to repaint it all. I always save leftover paint and all I needed to do was find the can labeled ‘bathroom’ and start painting. I found the can but it was empty and I wanted to get the job done before turkey time, but the paint store was closed.

I believe that where there’s a will there’s a way. So I found another can of paint labeled ‘Hallway White’ along with a smaller can labeled ‘Black’. The bathroom was light gray so I began mixing the black with the white until I got it pretty close to the exact shade of gray I needed. I painted the fresh drywall and cleaned up for a well-deserved turkey dinner with all the trimmings. After dinner I went to check out my paintwork only to find that I painted a flat paint on a gloss wall…and it stuck out like a red mullet on my bald partner’s head. And I wound up repainting the entire room the next weekend. So if you’ve got a leaking basement or crawlspace, and if you’re like me, you will do what you can to remedy the problem yourself. I understand…BUT you can wind up making things worse, so here’s what to do FIRST. Give me a call, tell me what you plan to do and I’ll tell you whether or not it will work and why…at no charge. It won’t cost you a penny and I promise not to try to sell you anything. Don’t make it any worse, call us first at 423-863-2909.