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Beautiful home

We’ve received a number of calls from condominium owners indicating they are experiencing water in their basements. Several also stated their yards are spongy and slow to drain. While we are in the business of basement waterproofing and yard drainage, there are certain restrictions and policies, enforced by the HOA (Homeowner’s Association), that must be followed. One of these details who is responsible to pay for what; the HOA or the homeowner?

Generally it’s cut and dry; the HOA will pay for repairs that are outside while the homeowner is responsible to pay for inside issues. When it comes to waterproofing there’s a very thin line between just who is responsible for payment. The homeowner naturally assumes the water is entering through the wall from outside therefore the HOA should pay for repairs. The HOA may point to the damage being inside thus suggesting the homeowner is responsible for repairs. So who’s right?

We cannot determine responsibility, but we can meet with the HOA and homeowner(s), to explain and define the source. From there it’s up to those concerned to determine who’d be responsible for payment. Either way, the issue must be corrected to eliminate structural decay, the potential for respiratory problems caused by airborne mold spores, and to protect the resale value of the property. We require that all potential decision-makers be present if we are requested to meet with the HOA in order to provide the free aforementioned services.