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roof gutter

A few weeks back I posted the process to test your downspouts to see if they are the problem for your leaking basement, so you may wish to go back and read that post after finishing this one in order to understand. For now, I wish to very briefly talk to those of you who may be considering replacing your standard gutters and downspouts with the larger expensive commercial size version.

It’s logical that a larger opening will carry more water, but it would be very expensive to replace your standard residential gutters and downspouts, with the beefed up commercial product, without first knowing if this would be a positive solution. Since less that 5% of all basement leaks are aided by faulty (or inadequate) downspouts, I would suggest that you first perform the simple and inexpensive test I made reference to in that prior post. You’ll be glad you did and you’ll more than likely save a bundle in the meantime.