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Mold issues

Mold comes in a variety of colors; Black, White, Yellow, Red, Green, Brown and Clear, so are they all bad for us? I’m not a physician and some may find this post not to be100% accurate, but I’m certain they would all conclude that mold is not good for the respiratory system! Active mold produces airborne spores that can be inhaled. Those with weakened immune systems, the older among us, and those with less than fully developed immune systems, the young children, are at risk if they are around a high concentration of active mold. Pets, especially birds are vulnerable as well. We can’t avoid mold as it’s everywhere. Inside or outside, mold spores fill the air we breathe during our normal day to day activities. It’s when mold is in such a dense concentration that we begin experiencing medical issues. It can cause a host of ailments to include headaches, runny nose, difficulty breathing and is even known to cause death. So what about the mold in your home that’s caused by your leaking basement? This mold is generally ‘black’ in color and most folks know the horror stories surrounding ‘black’ mold. But most do not realize that all ‘black’ molds are not toxic. The correct name for the extremely bad mold is not ‘black’ mold, but rather ‘toxic’ mold. And this ‘toxic’ mold is mistakenly called ‘black’ mold, which is incorrect.

So, is the mold in your home of the toxic variety and how do you find out without spending a fortune? Check my next post to learn more.